Partnership Liaison Security
Operation (PLSO)
USAID has established a Partner Liaison Security Operation as a tool to enhance communication between USAID and its Implementing Partners regarding security information to help Implementing Partners better manage and mitigate their respective security concerns.
The PLSO effort will assist in more effective delivery of U.S. Government funded assistance, as it will enhance the Implementing Partners ability to stay abreast of security concerns and better secure their operations, allowing Implementing Partners to more aptly perform and advance development objectives under their respective agreements.
This mechanism is intended to provide current information, guidance and updates on security-related, safety and disaster preparedness factors throughout Haiti for USAID Implementing partners to help safeguard their staff and operations.

Site Permissions
The content on this website is intended for Implementing Partners in Haiti. In order to view the information on member pages, you will need permission and approved passwords.
PLSO produces a weekly security update for Implementing Partners. View and download the latest version or search through the archives on the Weekly Security Update page.
Ongoing training is available for Implementing Partners. Find information on upcoming training on this site's Training page.