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PLSO Help Desk Contact Info

David Roberge, Chief of Party

Phone: +50937611010 

International #+16133713761 WhatsApp: CoP PLSO HAITI 


Phone #: +509 3732 1010


Satellite phone for emergencies: +17862329663


Laurent Cecchini, Senior

Operations Manager

Phone: +509 37 95 10 10 WhatsApp: SOM PLSO HAITI

Wislet Genelus

Senior Consultant

Phone: +509 4901 8736

USAID Disclaimer for this Website

Disclaimer: The information and opinions expressed in this Report were developed based on current information by Beshenich Muir & Associates, LLC under the PLSO Haiti contract with USAID/Haiti. The information and opinions expressed in this report were developed in good faith on the basis of information available at the time of writing, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, currency, or completeness. This report is provided for the recipient’s information only, and neither Beshenich Muir & Associates, LLC nor USAID/Haiti or any other part or employee of the United States Government accepts any liability arising out of or in connection with the information and opinions expressed in this Report. The recipient is advised that any decision to act or not to act in response to this report is made solely at the recipient’s own risk, and decisions regarding security of facilities, personnel and travel should be based on Department of State travel advisories, OSAC advisories and other authoritative guidance. In particular, this report should not be construed in any way as prescriptive or other advice, guidance or direction from Beshenich Muir & Associates, LLC or USAID/Haiti or any other part or employee of the United States Government.


2700 8th Ave SW

Huntsville, AL 35805

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